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Self-Esteem and Resiliency

Empowering Adolescents to Flourish in a challenging world. 

It is imperative to give social support to adolescents to thrive in the face of adversity.

 This is a period of storm and stress and is a critical developmental stage characterized by physical, emotional, cognitive, and social changes.
According to WHO, it is a time of physical, hormonal, and neurological changes that can impact their health and wellbeing, significantly. 

In achieving a well-balanced life for teens, high self-esteem and resiliency need to be built.
Self-esteem plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's beliefs, attitudes, behaviours, and mental health.

 Adolescents need to cultivate a positive self-image and foster resilience to navigate challenges and setbacks. Adolescents with high self-esteem tend to have a positive self-image, feel capable of achieving their goals, and exhibit adaptive coping strategies. 

Resilience is the ability to adapt, cope, and bounce back from adversity, and self-esteem acts as a protective factor, empowering adolescents to develop resilience and face life's challenges with greater confidence and optimism.

Cultivating self-esteem in adolescents involves positive self-talk, building competence, nurturing healthy relationships, encouraging autonomy, celebrating effort, developing coping skills, promoting self-care, and media literacy. 

Adolescents are better equipped to cope with adversity and develop resilience by fostering a positive self-image and promoting self-esteem. 

Parents, educators, and mental health professionals need to create supportive environments that nurture self-esteem and empower adolescents to embrace their strengths and uniqueness.

 Through cultivating self-esteem, adolescents can cultivate the drive for resiliency and flourish during this critical stage of development.